A Sunday List

Heya guys,

I’m coming at ya with fresh nail polish on my nails (duh) and just feel like sharing a few random things 🙂

1) Homemade granola. Yum.

Growing up, my mom would always make some sort of granola and it could be eaten alone or on yogurt, which is the only way I eat mine. In nursing school, some sort of Greek yogurt and a granola topping was my go-to snack and sometimes the only thing I had time to eat during a clinical.

I was recently inspired by a new found friend and decided last week to make my own granola once again. I made a yummy Almond Joy granola that I found via Pinterest. I omit the chocolate though. I then eat it on honey Greek yogurt and ohmygoodness is it delicious. I made the first batch here at home and my dear in-laws actually ate it all within the week, while I only had one serving of it. I made another batch at my parents house though so my mom could enjoy some and I could too when I’m working there. It’s also one of my favorite post-workout snacks.

2) I got a hair trim today.

I saw “trim” rather than “cut” because she only took off like an inch and a half. I could definitely use a little bit more than a trim, but I am way to protective of my hair and refuse to part with any more of it. For now. She totally understood though (thank you!) and said that one it does get to my desired length, then we can really work on getting rid of all the dead. I really like it when they understand. Ha.

C) I found a coconut water I can actually enjoy.

Do you like coconut water? I think it’s an acquired taste. I avoided it for a long time because I couldn’t stand the taste of it and I tried a lot. Then I saw this one and decided to give it another go. I chugged that entire liter down pretty quickly. Even my husband (who hates coconut water) was impressed. Haha.

Speaking of water, since I’ve been more active and cut out a lot of soda and sugary drinks, I am drinking so much more water. Which means frequent trips to the loo. Like every hour. Gotta keep those kidney’s working! Sorry, nurse TMI.

IV) Remember that post I did on the Revlon Colorstay Gel Envy? I liked the actual polish itself but decided that the top coat was lacking in shine and finish. I loved the staying power of it, as it certainly lasted a bit longer than a regular top coat.

However, I have found a way to make it work! I simply add a different top coat on top of that! Ha. I also am showing you the base I prefer. So my system is a)base coat,  b) nail polish, c) diamond top coat, and d) the quick dry top coat.

I find that most of the time, my polish will last for about 4-5 days without a lot of chipping and the shine is pretty decent. I wash my hands frequently and am just using my hands a lot throughout the day so most polish doesn’t stand a chance. But I do like this current system I’m using!

g) Last week Bub and I spent every other night watching the LOTR trilogies and have been enjoying them. We decided to watch them again because I’ve been reading The Hobbit and it got me interested in the other series again. I forget how much I love those movies. I was also reminded of how much I like the rugged look on a guy (hello Aragorn…) and how much I love it when Bub does not shave… 😉

We watched a different movie every other night because on the other nights, we’ve been watching the Netflix series Marco Polo and it’s the kind of series that totally drags you into the next episode with a cliff hanger. Lots of nudity (goodness, how did they not have more kids then they really did?) but overall it’s entertaining and is making me interested in that era of history again.

Anyhow, I hope you are all doing well!

Enjoy this last bit of weekened!

xo, Briana

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